
Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300
Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300

macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300
  1. Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 install#
  2. Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 software#
  3. Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 code#
  4. Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 download#
  5. Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 mac#

Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 software#

It supports close to a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots you are interested in and optionally swinging your beam around.Īlerting you to rare contacts or Band Openings and looking up, displaying on 2D, 3D and Satellite Maps and logging your contacts to a super fast sql database. MacLoggerDX version 6.23 disponible « Dog Park Software » est heureux d’annoncer que la version 6. Organizing and filtering the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, casual Contesting or rag-chewing.

Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 mac#

MacLoggerDX is The Mac Ham Radio Logbook choice in 120 countries. * Removed IC-706 CAT PTT from help files. * Log station power if WSJT-X power missing. * ADIF MODE export PKT for PACKET not FM. * Change ADIF export *QSL_RCVDs from V to Y.

Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 code#

* Added DX panel zip code VoiceOver descriptor. * Disable Logbook menu selections where prefs are blank. * Log panel Contextual menu - Add QSO to Selection. * Added Log panel worked/confirmed unique call signs count. * Added Reject specific dxcluster spot frequencies. * QSL Via only blue-tags calls with LoTW uploads within last year. * Added preliminary multiFLEX (V3) support. * Added Expert Electronics SunSDR2 Pro, QRP, MB1, Colibri Drivers. If you don't want to spend what the developer thinks is a fair price, use a paper and pencil and stop complaining.Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 6.23 of MacLoggerDX has been released. Larger companies could take a lesson from Dog Park's response to their customer's querries. Regarding the price, there aree a lot more expensive programs out there that don't do half of what MLDX does.

Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 download#

The link for the latest official version is available to download from the Dog Park site. If you aren't interested in "beta testing", don't download the beta. It is because (in my opinion) the developer wants to get the new features and enhancements out to those who want them as fast as possible. One may wonder why there are so many "betas" released. The developer of the software is very responsive to any requests for new features or enhancements from users. This clip shows the radio setup as well as software. It really is the Swiss Army Knife of ham software. Setup the Icom 7300 HF/6 Meter Transceiver for use with MacLoggerDX. It also works as a contest logging program using the Contest Helper window, and so much more. You can even use it to plot APRS packets. It tracks, WAS, WAZ, DXCC, VUCC and IOTA awards. MLDX aslo controls more than 50 different amateur and shortwave radios. It connects to DX clusters and displays spots as they are received, looks up calls on and QRZ.com (or CD). It's a fantastic amateur radio logging program.

Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300 install#

Download and install the Windows Icom 7300 USB driver from Icom before attaching the rig to your computer. The Icom 7300 uses an internal sound card device. Set aside your Signalink or whatever you were using with you old radio. Menu - Set Connectors (Bluetooth - Must be paired first) CI-V Address set to the same as in your Radio prefs, Baud rate 19200. The Icom 7300 is an easy radio to use for digital modes because all you need is a USB cable.

macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300

MacLoggerDX has more features than can be listed here. Either turn OFF USB Keying or disable the DTR and RTS check boxes in your Radio prefs. MacLoggerDX is one of the best ham radio logging programs out there, Mac or pc, period. After reading many of the previous reviews, I wonder how many of these people actually use the software and are amateur radio operators.

  • More added every day (If you don't see your rig in the list, just ask)Īfter reading some of the reviews here, I just have to say something.
  • Ten-Tec Jupiter, Argonaut V, RX-320, Pegasus, Omni VI.
  • This is how nice MacloggerDX, WSJT-X and JT-Bridge work together.

    macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300

    Internet connection for Telnet DXClusters, and/or (optional): Watch this clip and the contact made on an Icom 7300 with WSJT-X.

    Macloggerdx version 6.23 and icom 7300